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Herbs for male issues PART-4


DHEA (de-hydro-epi-andro-sterone) is a hormone naturally produced by your adrenal glands. It is usually the most abundant adrenal hormone in the body, but with age (or certain disease conditions) the levels drop. Lower levels of DHEA are associated with many of the diseases associated with aging and people with naturally higher levels are found to have lower incidence of some of these diseases (cancer, for example).

In his Wellness Institute Guide to Nutrients Dr. Julian Whitaker notes "I give DHEA to about 80% of my patients over 40 because of its health-enhancing and anti-aging benefits."

Dosage: most people over 25 can take 25 - 50 mg per day in the morning with food. This amount will bring your DHEA levels back up to the normal range for the average 25-year-old. Check with mail order suppliers.

St. John's Wort

This popular supplement has been shown to have antidepressive and antiviral properties. New research shows that St. John's Wort may actually increase serotonin production. I have a tendency to be a little hyperactive. I have never been diagnosed with adult ADD, but I find that taking St. John's Wort 3-4 times per week takes the edge off my being speedy very nicely.

Look for St. John's Wort containing 0.3% standardized hypericin extract. Avoid if pregnant or planning pregnancy. May cause photo-sensitivity so avoid strong sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light (like "tanning booths") when taking St. John's Wort. Available in most health food stores.


Getting a good nights sleep does wonders for your sex life! Valeriana officinal is, a natural sedative that may be helpful for insomnia, leaves no morning after effects. Take just before going to bed.

Available in tablets or loose tea form at health food stores. High doses may cause paralysis and a weakening of the heartbeat. Like any sedative, may become habit-forming if used for an extended period of time. Avoid if pregnant. Available in most health food stores.

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