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Tips for clay bath care the most health benefit for your body..

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Clay bath is a therapeutic treatment used to reduce toxins within the body. During one of these treatments, the body is submerged in clay mixed with water. The clay works by stimulating the lymphatic system and by thoroughly cleansing the skin. It acts as a systematic catalyst, interacting with the bodys immune system. A claybath can help to relieve any digestive burdens relating to the major organs within the body.  Clay removes toxins from the body

At we have simplified the taking of clay baths. We have used  Mulatani mati (clay from Pakistan) you can purchase from e-bay or Amazon. But any caly should work the same best to get it from a good source and not from your backyard.

We recommend that you apply this clay on your body, just rub it like a bar of soap.

Once its has dried in four to five minutes you take a shower and remove this.

You can take Multani mati clay baths daily.

These are the easiest of baths to take and this clay has been used by Indian movie stars for ages.

Clay also provides a natural sunscreen and protects the skin.

The studies found how these forms of clay together demonstrate anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties while promoting fibroblast regeneration and circulation while remaining biocompatible. Clay-based materials may be a potential alternative for conventional dressings for wound healing in resource-limited settings. This review opens doors to expanding clay-based therapies for wound healing.
It is recorded that early Mesopotamians used clay for treatments of wounds and to stop hemorrhaging.
This clay-water paste has been used as an ointment to treat skin problems such as psoriasis in northern India and Pakistan.
Anti-inflammatory green clay is used to reduce inflammation from bruises and contusions. It is especially recommended for sprains. It is often used to treat sprains with thick plasters left to act for hours.

Clay uses
● To heal minor wounds and cuts.

● To soothe the pain of small burns and prevent blisters from appearing.

● To prepare a clay compress to relieve headaches.

● Diminish acne with clay masks.

● Soothe redness of the skin after sun exposure.

● Soothe the skin after an insect bite.

● Reduce stress with a clay bath. Dissolve 3-4 handfuls of clay in bath water and soak for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally to keep the clay in suspension, so it does not settle to the bottom.

● Eliminate foot odour. Use it like talcum powder on your shoes.

● Relieve pain and discomfort associated with arthritis.

● Improve muscle injuries and sprains.

● Aid recovery from sprains and strains.

Mud is used in assisting the healing of soft-tissue injuries that result from over-use or strain or accidents. If your mud or clay is powdered, add hot water to make it a nice consistency for spreading onto your injury.Apply the mud to your injury. Be sure to apply to where it hurts.Leave the mud on for 2-4 hours if possible.
Red clay mixed with hot vinegar has been used in Virgina for bad sprains. With complete recovery from injuries in 24 hours.

A clay bath should only be taken for 15 minutes, especially for the first treatment. Leaving the clay on for more than 15 minutes is not advised because the skin needs to be able to breathe. Staying in the bath any longer can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as sweating or nausea. The temperature of the water should be no higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37 Celsius). Water temperature can be eventually increased for a more effective clay bath treatment but it should only be increased slowly, over a long period of time.

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