Acidity Syndrome

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Thursday, 26 June 2008, 06:02

Acidity syndrome

In 1911, Dr. Alexis Carrel began what is now called "The chicken heartstudy." While working in his laboratory he discovered that it was possible to keep a chicken heart alive as long as it remained in a colloidal nutrient solution and replenished it faithfully every 48 hours. By following this simple procedure he was able to sustain the life of that tissue for 25 years! A second study which used different cellular tissue had similar results. These are remarkable findings. Imagine this possibility; all creatures upon this planet have the opportunity for immortality. By supplying a cell with its required nutrition and removing any metabolic or toxic waste, it can live indefinitely.

Characteristics of Acidity

Acidity, by its nature, breaks down bodily tissue. It is created by metabolic, dietary and environmental waste. The
minerals which are acid-forming also known as alkaline-binding minerals are: bromine, chlorine, iodine, sulfur, silicon, and
phosphorous. Acids are highly irritating to delicate internal tissue.

An acidic chemistry will promote tissue dis-ease and symptomatic side- effects. Cells can adapt to their unnaturally acidic
environment. Resulting abnormal cell-growth is often diagnosed as tumorous or cancerous. My research and experience has shown that most dis-easeis result from acidic build-up and an anaerobic environment. This may sound over simplified, yet it is the initial "root cause." In addition, when acidic accumulation is not eliminated properly, body alkalinity decreases and acidity increases.

An acidic pH will greatly disrupt the body's mineral balance of the three dominant alkaline minerals: calcium, magnesium & sodium. The body will take calcium from the bones to neutralize the acid environment. Eventually it will use up or transmute its own reserve of alkaline minerals to balance its chemistry. When toxins remain: calcium deposits are formed, tissue inflammation increases, joints and bones deterioration begins, swollen joints result, body aches start, tumors, lymph congestion, excess mucus production, skin problems, allergies, colds, flu, swollen tonsils, loss of eyesight. In addition to this, a host of severe aggravation will occur from yeast and parasitic infections.

As a natural metabolic process, acids are created and ideally released out of the 5 eliminative organs: bowels, kidney, lungs, skin and lymph. All dis-ease, from viral infection to organ dysfunction, will develop acidic waste. When the proper proportions of quality nutrition and water are consumed, then optimum health is achievable. The body works in various ways to remove the poisonous waste. Eventually it must be removed.

Suppressing with synthetic drugs inhibit body's janitorial service from serving you properly. When symptoms are suppressed acidic waste does not leave the body. These waste products dry-up and become dormant pockets of condensed
waste without an adequate outlet. This causes the surrounding tissues to mutate. If the acid environment is left unregulated it will
eventually result in abnormal cell-growth. If health tissue is able it will encapsulate the toxic and abnormal cells to keep it from further harming local tissue.

Saliva & Urine testing is simple. pH ranges of bodily fluids:

Saliva pH 6.8 - 7.8
Urine pH 6.3 - 7.2

 You can determine the body's pH through self-testing urine and saliva with pH/litmus paper. The highest quality litmus paper available shows distinct color changes in 0.0.2 increments; this is essential for an accurate analysis. With greater sensitivity you can better detect changes. It can be helpful to test yourself daily or weekly to see how pH levels can fluctuate.

SALIVA: Take a saliva reading before and after meals. The alkaline levels of your saliva should be greater after meals because there is an abundance of alkaline-rich minerals in saliva. Then test your saliva 10-15 minutes after a meal. If the pH level does not rise within the pH ranges, then your alkaline mineral reserves are low. If the pH drops, this indicates a severe alkaline mineral depletion. Leave enough time after eating to test saliva fluid and not the food's pH level.

URINE: For best test results, reserve your urine pH in a glass
container for a 24-hour period. This will show the level acidic
wastes are being excreted. In the morning and during cleansing or
fasting there may be more acid waste. You can likely see urine pH
become more alkaline as the day progresses.

Balancing Body pH for Better Health
In a nutshell - maintaining proper body tissue pH is critical for
staying healthy.

The pH (parts/percentage Hydrogen) scale ranges from 0 (very acidic) to
14 (very alkaline).

Most people are born into this world with a pH near or at 7 (neutral
pH). If you can keep your body tissue pH somewhere between 6.5 - 7.0 it
is very difficult to get sick. A near neutral pH (green-blue range) is
the goal. This is why most of the health and wellness folks are always
eating green foods in abundance; these foods are loaded with alkaline
elements to keep the pH balanced.
continue to alkaline tissue

Return  to characteristics of acidity

please continue to next page for magnetic field deficiency symptoms

Right Column: best guidelines in the world neuropathy is easily reversiabe with IVIG. See our IVIG section.