Epilepsy supplements

General Nutritional Guidelines return to first page

Manganese can be used to help in the treatment of epilepsy. One of the functions of manganese is to maintain a healthy nervous system. The recommended daily intake is between 2.5mg and 5mg, but up to half this intake can be provided by tea drinking. The best source of manganese are soya beans, nuts and brewers yeast.

Selenium is very useful in detoxifying the body. However, it can be fatal if taken in excess, the maximum daily dose is 200g and no more should be taken. It seems to help in cancer and angina cases as well as arthritis and high blood pressure. Its most common natural sources are organ meats, fish and shellfish.

Zinc. The quantity of zinc in the diet is greatly reduced by the processing of food. It is also reduced by anticonvulsants, smoking, alcohol and the contraceptive pill. The recommended daily intake is about 12mg although at least 50mg is often recommended. It is thought that intakes of over 150mg may occasionally have side effects. Zinc is used to treat mild mental conditions and to supplement schizophrenics. The most obvious sign of deficiency is white spots on the finger nails, eczema of the face and hands, acne, mental apathy and loss of sense of taste and smell. The best sources of zinc are oysters, meat, pumpkin seeds, cheese and eggs.

Carnitine is an amino acid and is required to transport fat through the cell walls. It is the major source of energy for the muscles.

Digestive Enzymes. It is possible that the number of seizures is increased by an inefficient digestive system si It is possible that the number of seizures is increased by an inefficient digestive system since this means the necessary nutrients will not be absorbed completely from the food eaten. In this case extra digestive enzymes will help this absorption.

Dimethyl glycine (DMG) is also known as B15. It is an amino acid that has been used to treat epilepsy. It helps to stimulate your immune system. Therefore a lack of this can mean that you keep getting infections. It also helps increase the amount of oxygen to the brain, so may be particularly helpful if you have chest problems. Supplements of about 90mg twice a day can have a noticeable effect.


EFA is rather confusing. Basically the fats in their natural form are alright but those that are processed can cause a problem. EFAs are Essential Fatty Acids and they help in energy production, formation of red blood pigment, joint lubrication, transportation of cholesterol, boosting the immune system and prevention of allergies. Good sources of EFA are flax oil, hemp oil and safflower oil, fish oil, starflower oil and evening primrose oil.

Ginkgo Bilobais a herb that has proved to be very helpful in restoring memory function. Research has even indicated that it is of help in Alzheimer's disease.

Taurine is one of the lesser known amino acids, but it is known to help in the treatment of epilepsy. The recommended daily dosage of this is 1-3g. The balance of amino acids can be disturbed in those with epilepsy and additional taurine can help balance this and lead to improved brain function. It also helps balance the zinc/copper ratio because often zinc is low and copper high in those with epilepsy. Adequate zinc is important in the correct processing of taurine. This is one of the most important nutrients used to treat the condition. Taurine is produced in the body and is found in animal proteins.

continue to things to avoid in epilepsy


