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NERVE Muscle Junction


At the neuromuscular junction the nerve joins the muscle, the electrical energy in the nerve is converted to mechanical energy in the muscle the process is explained in this page.



NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION - where a NERVE FIBER and muscle fiber come together. A.K.A. Myoneural junction. MOTOR NEURON ENDINGS - nerve fiber caries the impulse that stimulates the muscle fibers

MOTOR END PLATE - specialized part of muscle fiber membrane (sarcolemma) located at the neuromuscular junction, has many folds

SYNAPTIC CLEFT - An actual "gap" or cleft which exits between the motor neuron endings and the motor end plate.

SYNAPTIC VESICLES - numerous vesicles in motor neuron endings, where neurotransmitters are stored before being released into the synaptic cleft.

NEUROTRANSMITTER - substance that is released from nerve endings into synaptic cleft. Stimulates an impulse. In this case, a "muscle impulse". One of the major neurotransmitters is ACETYLCHOLINE. This brings about muscle contractions. CHOLINESTERASE is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine

neuromusular junction

Nerve Muscle Junction

NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION - where a NERVE FIBER and muscle fiber come together. A.K.A. Myoneural junction. MOTOR NEURON ENDINGS - nerve fiber caries the impulse that stimulates the muscle fibers

MOTOR END PLATE - specialized part of muscle fiber membrane (sarcolemma) located at the neuromuscular junction, has many folds

SYNAPTIC CLEFT - An actual "gap" or cleft which exits between the motor neuron endings and the motor end plate.

SYNAPTIC VESICLES - numerous vesicles in motor neuron endings, where neurotransmitters are stored before being released into the synaptic cleft.

NEUROTRANSMITTER - substance that is released from nerve endings into synaptic cleft. Stimulates an impulse. In this case, a "muscle impulse". One of the major neurotransmitters is ACETYLCHOLINE. This brings about muscle contractions. CHOLINESTERASE is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine
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