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Vaccination is a monstrosity

"Vaccination is a monstrosity;  a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance.  It should have no place in either hygiene or medicine.  Believe not in vaccination;  it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end."

From his book, The Vaccination Superstition, J.W. Hodge, M.D., ex-Public Vaccinator of Lockport, New York wrote:

"After a careful consideration of the history of vaccination gleaned from an impartial and comprehensive study of vital statistics, and pertinent data from every reliable source, and after an experience derived from having vaccinated 31,000 subjects, I am firmly convinced that vaccination cannot be shown to have any logical relation to the diminution of cases of smallpox."

"Vaccination does not protect;  it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing vital power and diminishing natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated."

In the USA, June 25th, 1937, Dr. William Howard Hay addressed the Medical Freedom Society regarding the Lemke Bill to abolish compulsory vaccination.  He stated:

"I have thought many times of all the insane things we have advocated in medicine, that one of the most insane was to insist on the vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox when, as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox.

"I know of one epidemic of smallpox comprising nine hundred and some cases, in which 95 percent of the infected had been vaccinated, and most of them recently.

"It is now thirty years since I have been confining myself to the treatment of chronic disease.  I have run across so many histories of children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated, and who have never seen a well day since.

"In England, where statistics are kept a little more frankly and accurately and above-board than in this country (USA), the actual official records show three times as many deaths directly from vaccinations, as there were from smallpox for the past twenty-one years.  I will guarantee that there are three times as many deaths that were not recorded, that are directly traceable to vaccinations.  That doesn't take into account the many many cases of encephalitis or sleeping sickness, and of this or that form of degeneration, that occurs as the result of vaccination.

"It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus -- and it is usually from the pustule end of the dead smallpox victim -- it is unthinkable that you can inject that into a little child and in any way improve its health.  What is true of vaccination is exactly as true of all forms of serum immunization, so called, if we could by any means build up a natural resistance to disease through these artificial means, I would applaud it to the echo, but we can't do it.

"The body has its own methods of defense.  These depend on the vitality of the body at the time.  If it is vital enough, it will resist all infections;  if it isn't vital enough, it won't.  And you can't change the vitality of the body for the better by introducing poison of any kind into it."

According to the official figures of the Register General of England, only 109 children (under 5) in England and Wales died of smallpox in the twenty-three years ending December 1933.  But 270 died of vaccinations in the same period in these two countries.  Between 1934 and 1961, not one smallpox death was recorded, and yet during this same period, 115 children under 5 years of age died as a result of the smallpox vaccination.  This ultimately forced the government to repeal the Vaccination Act for smallpox.

The situation was just as bad in the USA.  An article in the July 1969 issue of Prevention Magazine stated that 300 children in the USA died from the complications of smallpox vaccine since 1948.  Yet during that same period there was not one reported case of smallpox in the country.  In October 1971, Dr. Samuel Katz, Duke University Medical Centre, speaking at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said that an average of six to nine individuals die each year from smallpox vaccinations.  Authorities eventually abandoned the vaccine, as Dr. Archie Kalokerinos of Australia points out:

"About 10 to 15 years ago, some of my colleagues in the United States gave me some very interesting information.  They said that smallpox vaccination had been stopped, not because smallpox had been wiped out, but because they were having trouble with the vaccine.  They would vaccinate an individual and that individual would give active smallpox to a contact.  The whole thing was out of control and they weren't game to use it."

This is probably why Professor Ari Zuckerman, a member of the World Health Organization's advisory panel on viruses has stated, "Immunization against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself."  

Even the British Medical Journal (1/5/1976) stated:  "It is now accepted that the risks of routine smallpox vaccination outweigh those of natural infection in Britain."

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship ... To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others, will constitute the Bastille of medical science."

-- Benjamin Rush, M.D.
Signatory to the Declaration of Independence
Physician to George Washington

"If humanity is to pass safely through its present crisis on earth, it will be because a majority of individuals are now doing their own thinking."

-- Buckminster Fuller

Reproduced with permission from Vaccination:  The "Hidden" Facts by Ian Sinclair, 5 Ivy St, Ryde NSW 2112, Australia.  Ph (015) 294 817.

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