C.I.D.P.U.S.A.ORG Autoimmune diseases


Information on  Pulsatilla homeopathic alternatives treatment of autoimmune disease  e-book

continued from Homepathic Remedy

Ledum is prepared from the leaves and twigs of wild rosemary (Ledum palustre), a small evergreen shrub. The plant is toxic and thus not widely used by herbalists. Homeopaths use dilutions to treat puncture wounds from various sharp objects, including nails and needles, and bites by insects (especially mosquitoes) and small animals. It is also used to relieve stiff joints, sprained ankles, black eyes, and severe or persisting bruises. Ledum is more appropriate than Apis if the site of the injury is cold and numb or if it is swollen and relieved by cold rather than heat. Ledum is a common ingredient in combination remedies for bites, stings, and bruises. It comes in pellets, tablets, and ointments.

Nux vomica is derived from the toxic, strychnine-containing seeds of the poison nut evergreen tree (Strychnos nux vomica). Homeopathically diluted, it is used principally to treat nausea and vomiting, especially from ailments due to overeating or drinking. The remedy may be beneficial for flatulence, constipation, or indigestion. It is also used to treat motion sickness and some types of colic, coughs, backaches, fevers, headaches, and insomnia. Nux vomica is frequently combined with other ingredients in combination cold and flu remedies and in combination remedies for back pain, constipation, fatigue, flatulence, headache, hemorrhoids, indigestion, and insomnia. It comes in pellets and tablets.

Pulsatilla is derived from the poisonous pasqueflower (Anemone Pulsatilla). In homeopathic dilutions, people take it internally for colds characterized by a profusely running nose and coughing. Homeopaths also recommend it for certain eye and ear ailments, skin eruptions, allergies, insomnia, fainting episodes, and gastric upsets, particularly when the patient is sensitive and prone to crying. Pulsatilla is a common ingredient in combination remedies for colds and the flu, earache, fever, indigestion, insomnia, menstrual problems, and sinusitis. It comes in pellets and tablets.

Rhus toxicodendron is prepared from leaves of the poison ivy plant (Rhus toxicodendron). Dilutions are taken to alleviate poison ivy and other skin conditions that are red and swollen, like rashes, hives, and burns, as well as joint stiffness. Rhus toxicodendron is also a prominent sports medicine used for pain and swelling that affect muscles, ligaments, and tendons, such as from sprains and overexertion. It is known as the "rusty gate" remedy: It works best for the person who feels stiff and sore at first but better after movement. Rhus toxicodendron is a common ingredient in combination remedies for back pain, strains and sprains, and skin conditions. It comes in pellets and tablets.

Ruta is prepared from the flowering rue (Ruta graveolens). It is used to treat injuries to the periosteum, the tough connective tissue that covers the shin and other bones. Homeopaths also recommend it for bruised kneecaps and elbows, sprained wrists and ankles, torn tendons, stretched ligaments, and tennis elbow. Ruta is a common ingredient in combination remedies for bruises. It comes in pellets, tablets, and ointments.

Sulphur is derived from the naturally occurring yellowish chemical element sulfur. It is commonly taken for certain chronic (as opposed to acute) conditions and skin problems, and during the early stages of fIu. Depending on the symptoms, it may also be used to treat sore throats, allergies, and earaches. Sulphur is a common ingredient in combination remedies for back pain, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and skin conditions. It comes in pellets and tablets.

Symphytum is prepared from the roots of the comfrey plant (Symphytum officinale). It is primarily used to treat bruises (especially black eyes), bone injuries, and sprains. Symphytum is a common ingredient in combination remedies for strains and sprains. It comes in pellets, tablets, lotions, and ointments

Urtica is a first-aid remedy prepared from fresh flowering stinging nettles (Urtica urens). It may be taken internally or applied topically to treat skin conditions characterized by red, raised, rash-like welts, including bites, stings, burns, hives, and prickly heat. Urtica is a common ingredient in combination remedies for bites, stings, and burns. It comes in pellets, tablets, and ointments.

CONTINUE  to read about the recommended intake