Autoimmune Diseases Web




May show:

Muscle biopsy

Muscle biopsy is important in diagnosis but findings under the microscope are rarely pathognomonic. Interpretation requires close consideration of the clinical history in conjunction with the microscopic featues to make a diagnosis.



Genetic testing

The genetic basis of the primary myopathies means that genetic testing can be essential to the specific diagnosis.Management

This depends on the diagnosis as well as the severity and extent of disease.

Emergency manangement

Myopathy can, rarely, present acutely or with acute complications. Examples include:

Long term care


This depends on the specific diagnosis. The primary disorders are incurable conditions with varied prognosis. Secondary myopathy may be corrected by treating the underlying cause.Prevention

Genetic counselling is, in some of the most common myopathies such as DMD, the only intervention that can prevent disease. In general:

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