Alternative treatment of autoimmune disease e-book

Prevention & Cancer treatment guide alternative methods

Laetrile Saga,

Part 2: Cancer Treatment and Prevention

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Another enzyme known as rhodanese is important in this process. Normal healthy cells contain rhodanese which protects them from the activated cyanide. Most cancer cells are deficient in rhodanese , leaving them vulnerable to the poison. Tumor destruction begins once the cyanide is released within the malignancies, meaning laetrile therapy is selectively toxic to cancer cells while remaining non-toxic to normal cells.

Benzaldehyde - a known painkiller - is also released during the breakdown of laetrile, and may account for the analgesic benefits reported from its use. Some scientists believe that this substance is also an anticancer agent.

Countless case studies, have shown laetrile to be non-toxic and effective in controlling cancer; however, proponents of the substance do not consider it to be a stand-alone treatment. Laetrile is but one component of a comprehensive holistic protocol that includes enzymes, nutritional therapy with little or no animal protein, and cleansing of bodily toxins.


Early doses used in research were tentative and cautious, often as low as fifty to one hundred milligrams per dosage. By 1974 however, daily intravenous doses of six to nine grams became the standard treatment. Improvement was generally seen with an accumulation of fifty to seventy grams over a seven to ten day period.

Patients seeking treatments have had to travel to Mexico or Germany since the FDA banned the sale and use of laetrile in 1971. This author traveled to the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico for alternative cancer treatments that included nine grams of intravenous laetrile for eighteen straight days. Follow-up home treatment included daily oral doses of two grams and an intramuscular injection of three grams, administered three times per week. Sustaining this protocol required multiple trips to Mexico at six-month intervals since the U.S. will only allow an individual to bring a six-month supply of treatments with a written prescription.

This regimen became increasingly disruptive and ultimately cost-prohibitive; however, it was an important component of holistic protocol for more than eighteen months, during which time the cancer gradually receded. I continue to derive the benefits of laetrile from raw whole food sources, including an abundance of fruits, seeds, and sprouted grains. Its important to note that cooking does not destroy the amygdaline.

Sources of Laetrile

 Apricot Kernals

In addition to whole foods, laetrile can be obtained through oral supplements found from many online sources. These supplements include dosage recommendations. Apricot kernels are available at most health food stores, although its difficult to ingest these bitter seeds. To make them palatable they may be ground and added to other foods as a seasoning.

Source:   Moss, Ph.D., Ralph W.: The Cancer Industry. State College, PA: Equinox Press, 1999, pg. 132; pp. 140-1

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