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Nerve Cells smell and taste

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Fibromyalgia Myth Information on Nose smell Taste


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Senses: Eye diagrams, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Taste & Tongue Sensation, Balance
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Altered States Olfactory Bulb
  • Bowman's gland - This gland makes the mucus.
  • Olfactory sensory cell - It is embedded in the olfactory epithelium. Nerve signals pass upward along the cell body, which narrows into a wire-shaped nerve fiber, or axon. The axons from thousands of sensory cells group into bundles and convey their nerve signals to the olfactory bulb.
  • Olfactory bulb - In this structure, the axons form complicated ball-shaped sets of connections with the mitral cells. These connection area are olfactory glomeruli, and there are hundreds in each olfactory bulb (see Figure 17). Each glomerulus receives signals from more than 25000 sensory cells and has tens of thousands of connections from the mitral cells in the bulb itself. Much sorting and processing of the signals takes place in the glomeruli. The resulting nerve messages are sent along the olfactory tract to the olfactory area in the brain.
  • Figure 17 Olfactory Bulb
    [view large image]

    Nerve & Air Pathways
  • Olfactory area - Nerve signals representing smells are routed to two regions of the brain: the medial (inner) olfactory area and the lateral (side) olfactory area in the amygdala. Figure 18 shows the pathway of the odorants in the air, which initiates impulses moving along the nerve pathway to the brain. Since the nerve pathway is in part of the brain's limbic system, which also deals with memories and emotions, smell can evoke strong emotion from past experience about a certain odor. Smell is the sense in which habituation occurs most quickly. Habituation is the process in which a sense becomes accustomed to what it detects so that it is no longer perceived. Most odors can hardly be perceived just 30 seconds after they are first detected.
  • Figure 18 Pathways [view large image]

    The sense of taste and the sense of smell supplement each other, creating a combined effect when interpreted by the cerebral cortex. For example, some of the molecules may move from the nose down into the mouth region and stimulate the taste buds there. Therefore, part of what we refer to as smell actually may be taste.  

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