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HERBS OF CHOICE Herbs are often used in combinations when combating an illness. Some of the most frequently used herbs are listed below.
Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae
Source:The root of Achyranthes bidentata Bl., family Amaranthaceae.
(a). Promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, dredge the channels and oxytocic: For dystocia, retention of placenta, and blood stasis syndrome with amenia, dysmenorrhea, postpartum lochiostasis, abdominal pain, headache, chest pain or trauma. (b). Ease the joint and strengthen bones, and muscles: For backache, pain and difficulty in movement of the knees, flaccidity of extremities. (c). Induce the vital energy downward: For hyperactivity of liver-yang with headache, flaming-up of deficiency-fire with aphthae, toothache, hematemesis, epistaxis and hemoptysis. (d). Promote diuresis and relieve stranguria: For stranguria caused by urinary stone, stranguria of heat type and edema.
Pharmacological Actions:
(a). Inhibiting the progress of experimental arthritis in animals, and antiphlogistic and antioncotic. (b). Its decoction or infusion induce contraction of gravid or ungravid uterus in experimental animals. (c). Its decoction exerts a transient hypotensive and diuretic effect.
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae
Source: The root and rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, family Labiatae.
(a). Promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis: For cardiodynia, hypochodriac pain, abdominal pain, stomachache, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, lochiorrhea and trauma with blood stasis. Recently also used for ischemic apoplexy, disseminated intravascular coagulation, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc. (B). Clear away heat, relieve vexation, nourish blood and tranquilize the mind: For seasonal febrile diseases involving yingfen and xuefen manifested as high fever, irritability, delirium and skin eruptions; for insanity attributive to blood stasis and heat; also for reslessness, frightening and insomnia due to heart-heat or insufficiency of heart-blood. (c). Cool the blood to relieve carbuncle: For carbuncles and pharyngitis.
Pharmacological Actions:
(a). Its component tanshinone acts as a broad-spectrum bactericide, and also can dilate coronary artery and increase coronary flow. (b). Action on various blood clotting factors, increasing the level of cAMP in thrombocytes, inhibiting the aggregation of platelets, improving the rheological state of blood so as to impede the formation of thrombus.
Rhizoma Atractylodis
Source:The rhizome of Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.)DC. or A. chinensis (DC.) Koidz., family Compositae.
(a). Deprive dampness and activate the spleen: For domonation of dampness and dampness-retention syndrome involving spleen-yang with fatigue, sleepiness, feeling of fullness and oppression in the chest and abdomen, abodomonal distension and turbid, thick and greasy fur; for domination of dampness with watery diarrhea. Also for downward attack of dampness with leucorrhagia and stranguria with turbid urine. (b). Expel wind and eliminate dampness: For arthralgia of dampness type with swelling and pain of joints, for those with prominent heat and those with prominent cold. (c). Promote sweating to expel cold from the body surface: For affection of exogenous wind-cold-dampness with chilliness, fever, heaviness and pain of the head and anhidrosis; also for dampness-toxin attacking the superficies, such as eczema and pustulosis. (d). Remove nebula to improve the visual acuity: For night blindness, cataract, internal and external oculopathy.
Pharmacological Actions:
(a). Gastric perfusion of its decoction lowers the level of blood sugar in rabbits with alloxan diabetes, (b). Gastric perfusion of its decoction increases excretion of sodium and potassium in rats without diuresis. (c). Its volatile oil and other two active components, eudesmol and hinesol, inhibit the growth of esophageal cancer cells in vitro. (d). Clinically effective for the treatment of night blindness and keratomalacia resulting from lack of Vitamin A.

Radix Polygoni Multiflori

Source:Root tuber of polygonum multiflorum Thunb., family Polygonaceae. That prepared by drying is known as crude sample, and that prepared by steaming with the juice of black soya beans as prepared sample.
(a). Invigorate the liver and kin=dney, benefit essence and blood: For insufficiency of essence and blood manifested as baldness, backache with weakness of the knee joint, immovability of extremitis, hemiplegia and paraplegia; for blood-deficiency syndrome manifested as sallow complexion , palpitation, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness of the extremities, insomnia, dreaminess sleepiness, somnambulism, epilepsy, urticaria and dermatoxerasia; for hypofunction of liver and kidney with emission or leucorrhagia. Recently, also used for hypercholesterinemia and atherosclerosis. (b). Relax the bowels (crude herb): For constipation of asthenia-syndrome. (c). Clearaway tooxic material (curde herb): For scrofula, carbuncle, etc. In addition, the prepared herb is used for chronic malaria with deficiency of vital energy and blood.
Pharmacological Actions:
(a). The prepared sample can promote lymphocyte transformation. (b). Reduceing serum cholesterol, and relieving atherosclerosis. (c). The crude sample is a purgative.
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
Source:Root of Angelicae sinensis ( Oliv.) Diels, family Umbelliferae.
(a). Enrich blood: For blood-deficiency syndrome. (b). Promote blood circulation, regulate menstruation and alleviate pain: For blood-deficiency, blood stasis or blood-dryness manifested as menoxenia, amenorrhea, menorrhalgia; or as headache, chest pain, abdominal pain and rheumatism, or as the early stage of skin infection or unhealed skin lesions, urticaria, eczema, prurigo, leukoderma, apoplexy, prolapse of rectum, bronchial asthma, arrhythmia, cor pulmonale, etc. (c). Moisturize dryness and loose bowel: For constipation attributive to dryness of intestine and blood deficiency.
Pharmacological Actions:
(a). Dilating coronary artery, increasing coronary flow and decreasing oxygen consumption. (b). Relieving myocardial ischemia induced by pituitrin in animals. (c). Ferulic acid, one of its active components, can lower the level of blood lipids and counter the development of atheroma. (d). Promoting the phagocytosis of mononuclear macrophage. (e). Protecting the liver from damage and inncreasing biliary secretion.
Semen Coicis
Source:The dried mature seed of Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen (Roman.) Stapf, family Gramineae.
(a). Promote diuresis and invigorate the spleen: For spleen-deficiency syndrome with accumulation of dampness manifested as edema, beriberi, or diarrhea; for stranguria of dampness-heat type and of stone origin; for dampness febrile disease manifested as fever, bodily heaviness, oppressive sensation over the chest and epigastrium, anorxia, and smooth or greasy tongue coating. (b). Relieve dampness obstruction and relax the muscles: For arthralgia of wind-dampness type and muscular rigidity, (c). Clear away heat to drain the pus: For lung abscess, for appendicitis.
Pharmacological Actions:
(a). Its active component coixenolide is a sedatice, analgesic and antipyretic. (b). Its oily component can inhibit the contraction of striated muscles. (c). Inhibiting the Erlich ascitic cancer in mice and prolonging the life in experimental animals.


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