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How Is Sarcoidosis Diagnosed?

Biopsy. Your doctor may take a small sample of tissue from one of your affected organs. For example, when breathing tests or chest x rays show signs of sarcoidosis in your lungs, your doctor may do a fiberoptic bronchoscopy biopsy. This will help confirm the diagnosis. Your doctor inserts a tiny forceps through the bronchoscope to collect tissue that will be examined. Because the granulomas may be spread out in your lungs, the bronchoscope may miss some of them.
  • Biopsies of your skin and liver are sometimes done to detect granulomas in these organs.
  • You may have sarcoidosis in other organs as well and multiple biopsies may be necessary. However, every organ involved does not need to be biopsied for a diagnosis to be made.
  • using it instead of gallium scans.
  • Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan. This test provides a computer-generated image of your organs that has more detail than a regular chest x ray. It can provide more information about how sarcoidosis has affected an organ.
  • Your doctor may do a CT scan to:
    • Obtain more information about how much of your lung is affected by sarcoidosis.
    • Detect sarcoidosis in your liver. A CT scan of your abdomen will show if your liver is enlarged and if there is a pattern suggesting granulomas.
  • Magnetic Resonance (MR) Scan. This test is also called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) scanning or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This scan uses powerful magnets and radio waves to make images of some of your organs that your doctor doesn't want to risk doing a biopsy on. For example, an MR scan can be used to diagnose sarcoidosis in your brain, spinal cord, nerves, or heart.
  • Thallium and Gallium Scans. These scans are often done to see if sarcoidosis is affecting your heart. Thallium and gallium are radioactive elements. Your doctor injects a small amount of one of them into a vein in your arm. The elements collect at places in your body where there is inflammation. After awhile, your body is scanned for radioactivity. Increased radioactivity at any place may be a sign of inflammation.
  • >This test gives information on the tissue in your body that has been affected by sarcoidosis and the amount of damage to it. But since this test shows all inflammation in your body, even inflammation caused by conditions other than sarcoidosis, it does not give a definite diagnosis of sarcoidosis.

  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan. This test also uses radioactive injections. It may be more sensitive than gallium in detecting areas of inflammation. Some doctors are Treatment of Sarcoid Next

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