Phosphorus deficiency

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Sat, 31 May 2008 17:55:07


Phosphorus deficiency causing weakness

Essential Micronutrient
Phosphates support many of our bodies' functions, including energy production, cell stabilization, bone formation, and cellular communication. While there are many forms of phosphates, the form most used for supplementation is sodium phosphate.
Phosphates are found in milk and milk products as well as in fish, meat, and poultry.
Daily Value
The Daily Value for Phosphorus is 1000 mg.

Why athletes use Phosphorus
Phosphates are known for inhibiting exercise-induced lactic acid production in muscle tissue, allowing muscles to work harder and longer without the "burn" that limits athletic endurance. Both strength and endurance athletes use phosphates to enhance their workouts and stimulate muscle-building potential as well as to enhance the effects of creatine.
Ways that Phosphorus can enhance Muscle Gain & Recovery:
Protect against protein breakdown by acting as a "buffer" within cells
Ways that Phosphorus can enhance Energy & Endurance:
Enhance performance by increasing available ATP (the energy factory)
Postpone the "burn" during intense training by decreasing lactic-acid buildup

Signs of Phosphorus deficiency
Deficiency of Phosphorus has been linked to:
Fatigue/Weakness, Decreased attention span, Bone and joint problems
Irritability/nervousness, Numbness, Confusion, Anemia
Impaired immune function
Potential uses for Phosphorus

Fatigue/Weakness, Muscle spasms and tension, Mental fatigue
Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, Rickets

More about Phosphorus
Phosphates, or the mineral form phosphorus, support many functions in our bodies, including energy production, cell stabilization, bone formation, and cellular communication. While there are many forms of phosphates, the form most used by athletes for supplementation is sodium phosphate.

Why we need it
It is believed that sodium phosphate is a buffering agent, meaning that within the cells, this substance inhibits lactic acid production. Many of us have heard the words "lactic acid" and know its build-up is undesirable, but a lot of people are confused as to why this phenomenon takes place and what we can do about it.
Well, lactic acid is a byproduct of an energy system in our bodies called glycolysis, which our bodies rely on when we don't have enough ATP, the primary source for energy fuel used for the initial contraction of muscles. If our bodies have too much lactic acid, our muscles don't function properly - essentially, they just stop because their functions are inhibited by the toxic buildup.

Best forms
One form of phosphate that our bodies require is creatine phosphate (or phosphocreatine), which is the "storage form" of creatine in muscles. Creatine phosphate helps form ATP. When our bodies have more creatine phosphate, more ATP is created, and the result is lower levels of lactic acid in the muscle tissues, which means longer workouts without the burn, more reps, and enhanced endurance. One way to increase the creatine phosphate in our bodies is to supplement with sodium phosphate.

continued to athlete and phosphorus

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